Where: Los Angeles, CA
Cost: $750-$850 (includes airfare, food, housing, transportation, etc.)
Application Deadline: December 20, 2018
What: This February for the first time ever, International Oasis will be taking a small group of students to Los Angeles, California. We will spend the first few days partnering with Union Rescue Mission located in the Skid Row area of downtown Los Angeles. Thousands of LA’s homeless reside in this area, and URM provides resources for individuals and families in order to assist them in getting off the streets and becoming contributing members of society. Students will have the chance to serve alongside URM staff in ways that fit their personal talents, skills, and strengths.
A trip to Los Angeles wouldn’t be complete without being able to take in all of the fun tourist attractions in the area. The second part of the trip will allow students the chance to explore LA, Hollywood, etc. and to have a few days of relaxation before heading home!
Who: We are looking for 5-6 students who have a heart for serving others and learning about the ways in which we can most effectively make a positive impact in marginalized and vulnerable communities around the world. These students must be committed to meeting several times before the trip in order to discuss basic principles of leadership, poverty, and development.
Please feel free to contact Kelly Rohner with any questions about this opportunity.
Email: kelly@internationaloasis.org
Phone: 248-270-5767
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